Our Board of Directors

Published by Jules on

The current BoD are listed below. Find out what they do by following the links to their websites.

Jules Howarth (and Secretary)
actor, performer, circus workshop tutor, stage & production manager, outdoor arts creator, wesite maker; runs mrjules.net, social circus myanmar, social-circus.com.

Tom Kellett
Tom Kellett -actor, performer, circus workshop tutor, youth worker; runs tkarts.co.uk.

Jo Galbraith
actor, performer, director of Otherhalf Productions and JustPlay.

Jake Goode
Jake Goode – actor, performer, director of Otherhalf Productions and JustPlay.

The Directors work voluntarily and receive no wage or fee.

SCI’s expenses are banking fees (for receiving funds for a project and the costs of distributing the funds), website domain name (£16), annual statement of activity (to maintain company registration, currently £13 p.a.).

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